
Zone First AFC Freeze Control Open 38F Close 48F

Zone First AFC Freeze Control Open 38F Close 48F
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Zone First AFC Freeze Control Open 38F Close 48F

Zone First AFC Freeze Control Open 38F Close 48F

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$30.65     /ea
Anti-Freeze Control Model AFC

This Anti-Freeze Control, Model AFC, provides simple economical protection of the air conditioning coil to prevent coil freeze-ups. The AFC attaches to the suction line near the evaporator coil. When the AFC senses the suction line temperature fall below 38°F it opens the Y circuit to the compressor relay, shutting off the compressor. The coil is still cold and the fan will still be operating providing cooling. When the suction line temperature rises above 48°F the AFC closes and allow the compressor to come back on to provide cooling. The AFC has a fixed differential of 10°F that will provide a several minute delay while the suction line warms up. This prevents the compressor from short cylcing.

The AFC is recommended on all zoning systems to protect against coil freeze-ups. Coil freeze-ups can occur if the duct system is undersized, on systems with little or no by-pass or when the by-pass is ducted directly back into the return air duct. When by-passing air in cooling and the cold supply air is ducted direclty back into the return the cold by-pass air can make for a lower evaporator coil temperature that can cause the coil to freeze as it removes moisture from the air.

Voltage 24 V
Temperature Rating 150F
Connection 4" Wire Lead

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